America Recovers! Heal the Nation Tour!
America Recovers is both a song and a vision for National Unity in this country and the entire world by Oga Otumala, a veteran gospel and social critical musician, a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a recording artist of international repute, and a man of peace!
His main objective is to bring healing through music to this nation and all peoples, and address head on issues that plague humanity nowadays due to religious intolerance, social inequity, and economic disenfranchisement as well as racial supremacy talks, entrenched cultural hypocrisy, unchecked political fraudulence and disharmony!
This project targets a minimum audience of one million people of like mind who by sharing this message, will let this freedom bell ring from coast to coast and hemisphere to hemisphere to awaken God’s children to take actions of goodwill to usher in clear and enduring peace in this our one song – the universe!
Oga and his team are completing national unity concert plans for a tour in the USA titled Heal the Nation. Videos from the events will be posted on this site for your free viewing, downloading, and sharing.
So, people get ready for the national concert in Washington DC where the drive for the attention of the people for peace and harmony begins!
There will be a full orchestral band performance of the song AMERICA RECOVERS.
Oga needs your help to accomplish this! How can you help, I hear you ask? Please share this site “” with friends and family! More details will be posted soon!
Download the song for free americarecovers mp3. Your donation supporting this project is highly appreciated! Donate Now:
One Love for the One Song for the One World!!!